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A Love-letter to Radio Sales from 3 Ex-Production Directors

Johnny Molson

“I want to challenge radio to stop being an industry of C-students,” says Tim Miles.

Ryan Patrick adds, “Radio works. Your ad sucked.”

These two marketing pros join me on a special edition of The Wizard’s Roundtable designed to help any ad medium where salespeople are collecting important information so a creative department can make a better ad.

Better information makes a better ad…and that makes your clients successful… (and you, too)

  • If you’re in newspaper, replace the word “programming “with “editorial.”
  • If you’re online, replace the word “production” with “content managers.”
  • If you’re in print or out-of-home, replace “production” with “graphic designers.”

This fiery video challenges your media company to have an internal advocate for your advertisers. Somebody who will act in the best interest of the client and campaign.

…because right now, you’re just sellin’ stuff.

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