Happy New Year! When Should You Change Your Advertising?
If you don’t want to read this whole thing, short answer: Probably never.
We Believe everyone should be saying good things about you.
We Believe in bold strategies and elegant writing.
We Believe you have the ability to grow BIG.
See what else We Believe.
If you don’t want to read this whole thing, short answer: Probably never.
It’s not really controversial… but marketers don’t seem to like to do it.
Generations, as groups of like-minded people, simply don’t exist.
There are many things you want people to “know” about your business. But what matters is what’s remembered.
Andy Warhol said, “one day everybody will have their own Marketing Funnel.”
Today is that day.
No funny business. You’ll just get articles. No sales pitches. Your email address is safe with us.
If you don't want to read all those articles above...because...sheesh, that's alotta words... you can listen to them in fancy podcast form.
J. Molson & Partners Marketing
a division of Wizard of Ads, Inc
1 W. Old State Capitol Plaza | Suite 821
Springfield, IL 62701